Want the scoop on the T3 layoffs?

I just got word that, Austin-based ad agency, T3 (The Think Tank) laid-off some folks yesterday. This has got to be connected to Dell’s move to WPP’s Da Vinci (some say the new agency will actually be named Schematic).

From my “insider”: “Lots of people got canned yesterday. Pretty juicy stuff.”

Here’s what I’ve found out so far:

Reason for layoffs? “Due to the Dell account loss.”

How many? “Over 20”

Who/ What roles? “Mostly Coordinators, but also one in PR.”

Any other interesting tidbits?
“Threatening talk of enforcing non-compete contracts i.e. ex-T3ers not allowed to work for another agency on Dell account and Gay Gaddis’ annual birthday party is still on.”

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2 Responses to “Want the scoop on the T3 layoffs?”

  1. Adomatica Says:

    I got this comment via email:“I’m glad someone had the intellegence to pull together a source of informaton on the recent event at T3. If I could kindly restructure any understand of what happened at T3 I would have to say that most of the problems with laying off had to do with the structure (lack of integrating services among the company) and current mobility (if that) of the company, a consequence of which was losing the dell account. My observations from day 1 remain consistent with the following observations: no over-sight on day-to-day operations and no training for new employees, nor was there any integration via management among the accounts for the new concepts like analytics, new business or customer insight departments.”

  2. Anonymous Says:

    i heard some people got laid off from T3 this week. Anybody have the scoop?

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