Tocquigny, Why not #1 ?

Austin-based Tocquigny was recently ranked #2 B2B interactive agency in the nation by BtoB magazine.

Press release: BtoB Magazine Ranks Tocquigny as No. 2 Interactive Advertising Agency in Nation
BtoB list: BtoB Top Agencies: Agency business strong despite tough economy

Congrats, but my question is this for the fine folks at Tocquigny: Why not #1?

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12 Responses to “Tocquigny, Why not #1 ?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Is this an April fool’s joke? A “measured approach” agency that can’t even report its billings or revenue correctly and a place where no one in this town wants to work wins a national award?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I agree, I think it must be a joke! This is very interesting…they report different numbers every year as revenue and billings and now they’ve decided to not report at all. I have to hand it to them since this approach seemed to win over the obviously very wise folks at BtoB. And what a client roster…wow!! They are really blowing the smoke off other agencies on a national stage.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Their CFO was recently – and finally – asked to leave…but I guess this was awarded just before that. Wonder where they’ll rank in 2009…?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I was curious about the comments left for your post about Tocquigny’s ranking from BtoB Magazine. The anonymous posters obviously didn’t have a favorable impression of Toquigny’s reporting practices, client roster or culture.I had an interview there last month and having only worked at one other agency in town, I’m a bit clueless as to why Toquigny is a place where “no one in this town wants to work.” The folks I met impressed me as highly knowledgeable but of course, I don’t know how the agency is run.Can I get your thoughts on this?Thanks

  5. Adomatica Says:

    I really don’t have an opinion on which shops are good or bad to work for here in town. I hear things about shops and we all obviously read/hear about lay-offs and executives’ actions, but I don’t really know why one place is worse then another as far as work environment. Maybe it has something to do with where the execs worked before joined the agency?

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I haven’t worked there myself, but I know several designers and project managers who have worked there before. Most of them left for different reasons, but they all said that the management and leadership was a mess. Continuous bickering over the direction of the company made for an uncomfortable workplace at times.The people I heard these things from are very nice people that are fun to work with, so I would think that the culture among the little people wasn’t too bad. But they aren’t there any longer, so I can’t say what it might be like now.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    It is very well known to many many people in the Austin advertising community that TOCQUIGNY FALSLY REPORTS their numbers in order to get rankings. They not only inflat their revenue and employee numbers but they attribute every penny and every employee as “interactive” in order to increae their rankings. It’s unethical.As for the culture there, I know at least 40-50 people who have worked at Tocquigny and they all say it was their worst work experience in their lives. Don’t be fooled by the beautiful (and VERY expensive office space that their clients pay for ultimately) office space and night/bright people. Toqcuigny is the only agency in Austin that has turnover rates that exceed fast food resturants. People rarely last very long there.And, oh yeah, Tocquigny’s main accounts are all religous right accounts. Yet Yvonne Tocquigny probably hasn’t been to church a single day in her life.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Everyone on this site and in the comments should clean the sand out of their vagina’s and go back to work.

  9. Adomatica Says:

    I have no idea what that means. Maybe if I worked at Tocquigy I would understand. 🙂

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I think it is also funny that Tocquigny folks do not really understand basic interactive metrics. If you ever get a chance to look at some of their client reports you will see they are filled with mathmatical errors. I feel so bad for their clients.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    As one of those “worst place I EVER worked” folks, I can tell you, potential employee of Tocq, don’t do it. If you have to do it for the money, and the market is not giving you ANY other opportunities, then you can later chalk it up to experience and join one of the many EX-Tocquigny groups and happy hours. Now THAT is a great bunch of folks.The B2B Rank has always been a joke. If you work there you know it’s a lie, if you are a client… well, if you are a client… WISE UP and get the hell out. Ask to see their CURRENT client work and see how far back into the “fired” archives they dig. But the religious right stuff is pretty.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Having met a number of times with the partners at Tocquigny, it is no surprise that they have captured so many good clients. Anyone that has actually contracted some of the largest ad agencies in the world like I have would appreciate the agency’s pragmatic and honest approach to working with people. I congratulate them on their award. In regard to not being no. 1, I’m sure has to do with revenue size compared to Digitas. However, it’s been my experience that being #2 and being smaller is a huge benefit for the client because the client feels more important.

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