OtherInbox Tips (after a few days of playing)

Austin-based entrepreneur Joshua Baer launched OtherInbox last week during TechCrunch50 and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a beta invite early this week.

From OtherInbox.com: “OtherInbox is the cure for email overload – it provides consumers with a free email account that automatically organizes newsletters, social networking updates, coupons and receipts from online purchases so that its easy to find the most interesting things and ignore the rest.”

Ok, that’s good copy, but I needed to try it out a bit before I offered up my two-cents. Here are some ways I’m already using it. I’ll save the feedback as it’s just in beta and they are working out the bugs and getting ready to launch some new features.

1. Organize all my newsletter emails. I get (and try to read) a ton of e-newsletters from Clickz, Media Post, Ad age, etc. I hate to have them stacking up in my normal inbox while they patiently wait for me to read them. I created an “other inbox” for each of them and now I can quickly read through them and easily save the ones I want to read later without the jumbled mess.

2. Use it to keep-up a bit better with my multiple Twitter accounts. Yes, I have more then one. I’m currently on Twitter as @Adomatica, @Enfartico, and @Cyclingtalk. If you try to manager multiple accounts you know that it is a pain to get the notification emails all to the same email account and then make sure you are logged in as the correct profile when using the notification to follow your new followers. With OtherInbox, I created an inbox for each of the my extra profiles and I can check out the action in a big chunk and once I am logged in properly.

That all for now. I’m sure I’ll have some other ideas/feedback soon.

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One Response to “OtherInbox Tips (after a few days of playing)”

  1. Joshua baer Says:

    Haha when I turned on my OtherInbox, the first thing I realized was how much spam I got from ClickZ, DMNews and MediaPost. ClickZ’s subscriber list was stolen by spammers (they had no clue there was anything wrong) and apparently anyone who signs up for MediaPost has their email address shared in a publicly accessible database.

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