T3 Austin = More Layoffs?

I really don’t like reporting on layoffs. I’ve been laid off and I’ve been fired. I also get anonymous tips and this blog is in the “business” of reporting what is happening in the ad world.

I got these tips today:

“Rumor has it that T3 is laying off 60 people today. That’s a lot. It’s probably your fault for posting those videos. ;)”

“T3 doing layoffs today. Not sure on a body count yet.”

“T3 body count at 5 so far. San Fran office getting hit harder, no word on it yet.”

‘T3 had yet another layoff today. Not sure if its a sign of an impending client leaving of what, but atleast 5 people for sure have gotten the axe from the Austin office and a decent chunk of the San Francisco office is no longer bringing in the cash for Gay Gaddis.

They received a 2 weeks severance deal and all remaining employees are said to have to take a paycut. I’m certain the paycut doesn’t apply to the favorites of the company, or the favored CEO herself. One would like to know if the famed $60K birthday bash will still be taking place in April?”

Gay Gaddis’ Quote in the Austin Business Journal:

“As 2009 budgets are reviewed, clients are cutting back and we are adjusting accordingly to meet their needs,” said Gay Gaddis, president and founder of T3, in a statement. “T3 is committed to helping our clients navigate this tough economy and help them get the most out of every dollar spent.”

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