Sympathy to Ex-T3ers

I heard that T3 might have done another round of layoffs earlier this week. Losing your job sucks. I’m really sorry for anyone who lost their job at T3 recently.

Best of Luck.

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9 Responses to “Sympathy to Ex-T3ers”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    who is left to lay off?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    There were a few people spread between Austin, NY and SF who knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, those people were the first to be laid off.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    A friend of mine who worked there would tell me how Gay would write emails to her staff in support of her political beliefs and candidates. I remember freelancing there too. Upon first glance in Gay’s office from the lobby I would see pictures of Gay and important friends on her wall. I threw up in my mouth just a little bit.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    wow, u think gay wishes she would have sold out to WPP now?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I used to work there. Gay and Lee are both very nice, very sincere people who are trying to do the right thing. The problem is, they don’t really have a clue what good advertising is.They keep people simply because they’ve been there a long time – not because they know what they’re doing.They don’t do any one thing well. And very few people there really care about what they produce. They just care about making the client happy. They bring absolutely zero new to the table.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    This is an incorrect rumor. A few people who were among those laid off a couple weeks back stayed on to finish some things off, and a few of them left this week. Thats probably what you heard. There are some very good people left there, but still soem deadweight lifers who somehow sqeaked thru the rounds of layoffs.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    I hear they laid off the new business director they brought in from GSD&M because she got them hooked up with advertising pitch consultants and the consultants told Lee and Gay their agency didn’t have anything they were interested in. They don’t like what they hear, so they fire people. What idiots!

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Why can’t we all just get along.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Yes…but did anyone the you that the ex-GSD&Mer was had a horrible track record at winning new business and has a reputation for being much better at Austin-based gossip and hard core partying? The founders expected a much higher level of sophistication, and she fell way short–she mis-represented herself.What do you do with an employee like that? Let’s be fair.

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