BIG T3 News….

…coming soon according to this comment made earlier today:

“Don’t count us out yet. We’re not all the hax you think we are. News. Soon.”
Comment on this post by T3 Hack Sick Of Your Shit

I am truly looking forward to some good news from T3 and I really hope someone isn’t just pulling my leg.

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7 Responses to “BIG T3 News….”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Too bad they couldn’t spell hacks correctly. I guess when you cut QA down to one person these things happen.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    it’s probably just more babies.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Hummmm. Could it be news from Dell based on the Enfatico mess (see the NY Post article from this weekend ( T3 always did solid work for them. Might not be “break-through”, but did help Dell’s business.

  4. Adomatica Says:

    I just suggested that to someone the other day and they did not say no to the idea.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Who cares if Dell comes back? They’ll still have an ECD who hasn’t done anything relevant in… forever. They’ll still have crappy quality control. And they’ll still be a shop who values process over good creative.

    That’s not a recipe for success.

    Maybe Gay can do another “The Agency of 2012” video…

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Still waiting on the big news? Any word yet?

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Yes. I think they reinstated beer fridays.

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