Posts Tagged ‘ad agency blog’

T3 Looks Towards the Future (Part 3)

January 27, 2009


This afternoon a kind person emailed me a copy of the “T3 Looks to the Future” video.

Yes, I now have a copy of the removed-from-YouTube video.

Do you want to see it? You’ll have to ask really nice like.

Here are some of my favorite scene stills:

T3 Looks Towards the Future (Part 2)

January 24, 2009

Thanks for sending us these screen shots and for pre-marking them up…you know who you are.

Who’s Watching Who – 2008 Recap

January 7, 2009

Here are the top companies that read Adomatica in 2008 (based on my web-logs):

1 WPP Group
3 SpringBox
4 Dell
5 Core Nap
6 National Instruments
7 Read Poland
8 UT – Austin
10 Ogilvy & Mather
11 Aquantive
12 Clay Finlay
13 CSC
14 Sympatico
15 The Neiman Group
16 Mcgarrah Jessee
17 Mccann-Erickson
19 Omnicom Group
20 Crispin Porter & Bogusky
21 Digitas
22 Group M
23 Leo Burnett
24 Powered
25 Google

Previous Who’s Watching Who Posts

Most Read Posts of 2008

January 6, 2009

Here are the most read posts of 2008 (These are not necessarily my favorites and my opinion has actually changed on some of these as well):

Best Ad Agency Award 2008

Worst Ad Agency in Austin Award 2008

Tocquigny Intern Video

Bomb Threat Ad Exec has Austin Tie?

Tocquigny, Why not #1 ?

Worst Ad Agency in Austin Award 2008 – “Winner”

Dell-WPP’s Da Vinci Hires GM

WPP Project DaVinci Newspaper Ad

Want the scoop on the T3 layoffs?

Marriott Checks Out

Do I have to Stop Using Old Spice?

December 24, 2008

“Just a quick tip: Old Spice (Wieden & Kennedy) royally screwed up its Man of the Year contest, allowed a racist homophobe to win, and now the blogosphere is buzzing about a possible boycott. Thought your readers might like to know.”

Source = Anonymous Tipster

Enfatico has a Blog

December 10, 2008

They launched a blog in late october (2008) and I’m sorry I didn’t find it sooner.

Maybe Lowe’s Will Have It?

December 10, 2008

“Home Depot doesn’t pick GSD&M Idea City

GSD&M Idea City said it has lost its bid to manage Home Depot’s estimated $600 million advertising account.

The retailer is sticking with the Richards Group in Dallas. Two other agencies also had bid for the creative part of the account.

Home Depot now is looking for an agency to handle its media buying.

Earlier this year, GSD&M gained some new clients, including L.L. Bean and Popeyes.”

Source: Austin American Statesman

GSD&M Email Regarding Analytics Department Closing

December 9, 2008


I want to let you know about a change we’re making in how we go to market with our analytical tools and capabilities.

As an agency, we’ve been on the leading edge of our industry’s adoption of a more analytic approach to targeting, media/channel planning, messaging and accountability to business results. Through INVOLVE and other tools, we’ve achieved great results with clients including Legacy, Air Force, MasterCard and others. We continue to believe in these tools and expect that the market will continue to value the results they provide. And while we’ve been successful with our in-house analytical capabilities, we now believe that we’ll achieve more financial success in this area by having the option to provide clients these services through partnerships.

At the beginning of the year, Maury Giles will spin off to create his own enterprise which will be called Pursuit. Jim Wilkerson will also leave the agency and plans to join Maury. They will provide analytical tools and services to clients beyond just the Idea City roster. And we will continue to deliver these tools for our own clients, either through our own capabilities or through partnerships. Pursuit will become our preferred vendor for future INVOLVE studies. We’re still working through all of the licensing, profit-sharing and non-compete issues, but we can all look forward to a great partnership with Pursuit going forward.

We’re proud of the progress we’ve made in our analytical capabilities over the past couple of years and both Maury and Jim have been vital parts of those efforts. Please join me in wishing them great success in their new enterprise.


Source: Anonymous Tipster

Adomatica Anonymous Tip Form

December 6, 2008


The Name Says It All

November 13, 2008

Ok, so not all startups are having the same luck as Bazaarvoice and HomeAway.

May I introduce you to…


“Have you ever been blindsided? … a boss give you a bad review that you never saw coming. Or more importantly, your employer tell you the companies doing great, but the next day they tell you they’re doing layoffs.

Here at, we’ve gone through this before [we won’t say which ones =)]. What we vowed is that if we had an inkling of an idea before hand, we would have been much better prepared. Not only do we provide a forum for people to write about how they feel their company is doing, but it’s a great place to see how your employer is doing.

Our goal is that with this information, you’ll be better prepared – to start brushing up your resume, start calling some friends and start seeing what other opportunities are out there. Hopefuly you won’t need to, but wouldn’t you like to know ahead of time?”