Posts Tagged ‘ad agency layoffs’

Agency Laid You Off – Make Lemonade

August 8, 2009

Thanks to Agency Spy for letting me know about this movie/project.

GSD&M :-(

June 6, 2009

“75 gone from GSD&M. All middle management, all media. Senior management begged to stay by saying they would work part-time.”

Source = Anonymous Tip Form

New Tag-line for Adomatica March 09

March 8, 2009

I’m tired of posting about layoffs.
Sure, it drives traffic to my blog.
Sure, it is a bit fun to get people worked up.
Sure, I could do those things without mentioning every ad agency layoff.

So, at least for now, I’m done…not done posting here, but done with layoff postings.

Hope to see you at SXSWi…please say hello…hug or handshake…it’s your call.

Sympathy to Ex-T3ers

March 5, 2009

I heard that T3 might have done another round of layoffs earlier this week. Losing your job sucks. I’m really sorry for anyone who lost their job at T3 recently.

Best of Luck.

Enfatico Layoffs – Truth or Enfartico?

February 24, 2009

Just got this note via an anonymous tipster:

“Hey, any news on Enfatico layoffs? Trying to get details, but one chicks facebook says she just got laid off.”

Anybody got any info on this? Is it really happening?

Lunch-time Update 2-24-09:

“It is really happening. The global enfatico memo went out today to all Enfatico leads. Honestly, this isn’t surprising as they were way over-staffed to begin with.” Source: Anonymous tip form.

Morning Update 2-25-09:

“Layoffs at Enfatico yesterday, supposedly 8% of their workforce worldwide. 20-25 people in Austin.”

Double Check Your Recipient List before Hitting Send

September 5, 2008

I don’t wish a layoff on anyone and even more so I don’t like the idea of this happening:

Pink-Slip Email Error

What does Airlines Mergering Mean?

April 16, 2008

1. Fewer and more expensive flights 😦
2. Less companies with disappointed customers satisfaction 🙂
3. Less clients for ad agencies :-I


April 7, 2008

GSD&M works on getting its mojo back

GSD&M Loses Another

March 26, 2008

Calm down, calm down, don’t get your panties all in a wad. GSD&M didn’t lose another client or lose more employees due to another round of layoffs. They just lost one of their interactive media planners / search engine marketing folks to another Austin agency.

Moses Chang has joined Adlucent, an Austin-based search engine marketing/technology firm, as an account manager. In this role, Moses is responsible for the management and development of client marketing campaigns on major PPC (pay per click) engines (Google, Yahoo! and MSN), as well as facilitating client communications. Prior to joining Adlucent, Moses worked as an Interactive Media Planner for GSDM’s Idea City. At GSD&M, he was responsible for managing PPC search campaigns for BMW, AT&T and John Deere. Moses received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas, with a minor in business.

Also, and this has nothing to do with Moses, GSD&M, or Adlucnet, this is the 100th post for 2008. I’ll try not to break my arm as I pat myself onthe back.

Da Vinci is not done

March 7, 2008

WPP’s Da Vinci is not done when it comes to displacing folks.

I got word last night that T3 will lose it’s Dell catalog related duties later this year and SpringBox will be “giving up” the Dell Lounge in October.