Posts Tagged ‘adomatica ad agency blog’

Adomatica’s Take on Austin Ad Firms

September 2, 2009

Some top ad agencies find ways to weather stormy economy

Submit a New Tagline and Win….

April 10, 2009

…nothing, you’ll actually win nothing, but I will officially give you credit (if you want it) along with a link to your company/blog/Twitter profile etc and I will really appreciate you.

Some of our past taglines

More Feedback for Adomatica

February 6, 2009

I got the best comment ever on this post: I Like Feedback There are several other great comments both is disgust and praise, but this one is worthy of its own post as well as my reply.

Artie – “Fact is, every one of our shops is hurting and real families are struggling mightily. Tonally, this blog is too often snarky and cavalier about that reality. Layoffs are framed only as some sort of agency meat-grinding character flaw vs. the reality of an industry undergoing the worst ad recession since 1981 (by many accounts).”

Adomatica – I’m reporting layoffs just as the business journal or other publication would. I can see how it would take on a cavalier tone due to all the obviously snarky and silly stuff I also post here.

Artie – “The “fuckedcompany” schtick isn’t as cut/dry this time around. You’re painting with an extremely large brush seemingly without much perspective or concern for real people who get spooked by your riffs. You think any of these shops enjoys laying people off? And exactly how many agencies have you run?”

Adomatica – I know these shops don’t enjoy laying people off. I’ve been laid off. I’ve been fired. I’ve been unemployed. The company I currently work for just laid off a double digit percentage of its workforce. What does running an agency have to do with reporting/writing about agencies? I’ve never held public office, but I can still understand politics and have opinions on it.

Artie – “As a VP at one of the shops you crap on regularly (sometimes admittedly for good reason), I can state your feeders, speculating wildly and blindly, aren’t as informed as they think they are.”

Adomatica – Agreed and that is why I always try to be clear about what is fact and what is something I was anonymously told. What I’m doing isn’t totally new. I post what I hear, see, or am told and try to be as open as possible of my sources.

Artie- “Your blog’s tone feeds a sense that all Austin agencies are in chaotic freefall and run by incompetent half-hacks. Clients spot this coverage and begin to think that maybe taking their business to a larger-market shop might be safer. That’s good for nobody. If any of us go down, we all take a hit. Austin is no New York or Chicago and can’t afford the implosion of an Enfatico, Idea City or even a Springbox.”

Adomatica – While causing an “implosion” is obviously not my intention, I am extremely flattered that you think my blog has a reach that its content would actually be a consideration when a company is picking an agency. I frankly post what I hear, see, or am told. I’m also sad that my blog and not an agency’s work and people would cause a possible client to go with another agency.

Artie – “So just maybe just throttle down the layoff revelry just a bit? How about a revolving opportunity for each shop to share with you a recent success story, no matter how much it pains your hipster instincts? It would be a refreshing balance to the often speculative, HR-heavy and smug shit-slinging that’s far too many posts seem to delight in.”

Adomatica – As the PR person/people at (maybe) your agency know(s), I am always open to posting whatever news good or bad that any agency sends me. I would post it as I get it and would only consider any “revolving” spot if/when I was getting too much content, but, as I hope you and your shop knows, bloggers can never get too much content. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? This is true on at least two different levels for Adomatica. 1. Agencies that send me news will get posts as long as I think the content is relevant to my readers. 2. I watch my analytics. I get more traffic from a snarky post then from a warm and fuzzy post. I can’t change that fact, but I’m open to posting more feel good and informative items.

I think I know who you are Artie, so please send me an email so that I know who to hug for the great comment at the next party.

All the best, RG

Most Read Posts of 2008

January 6, 2009

Here are the most read posts of 2008 (These are not necessarily my favorites and my opinion has actually changed on some of these as well):

Best Ad Agency Award 2008

Worst Ad Agency in Austin Award 2008

Tocquigny Intern Video

Bomb Threat Ad Exec has Austin Tie?

Tocquigny, Why not #1 ?

Worst Ad Agency in Austin Award 2008 – “Winner”

Dell-WPP’s Da Vinci Hires GM

WPP Project DaVinci Newspaper Ad

Want the scoop on the T3 layoffs?

Marriott Checks Out

What the Hell?

December 24, 2008

experiment #37: voice: adomatica on

If you build it, they will tip off

December 6, 2008

So, I put the Anonymous Tip Form up and only a few minutes later I get my first submission.

Thanks to the Anonymous Tipster for this gem. If I knew who you were I’d give you a prize:

“Oh, you didn’t hear about the Springbox layoffs? Yep. There were three let go just before Thanksgiving, while office manager and girlfriend of fearless leader #2 gets paid to sit there, look pretty, plan bank-breaking parties, and enjoy fresh flowers and $30 candles on her desk every week.

Oh, and the douchebag duo’s advice to everyone else on how to help the agency cut costs? Drink two glasses of wine, instead of three. Also, they plan to move from $15 bottles of wine, to $10 bottles of wine for the agency fridge.”

The Eagle has Landed

November 11, 2008

Warning Warning Warning

I’ve got a new source.

He or She is not scared to spill the beans.

He or She might be at an Austin-based agency or maybe somewhere beyond the hill country.

Code name is Dark Eagle

You have been warned….that is all.

Happy 1st Birthday Adomatica

September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Dear Adomatica.
Happy Birthday to you.

I guess I’m wishing myself a happy first anniversary of Adomatica….what a fun year it has been!

You’ve Got to Start Somewhere, Right?

September 5, 2008

Much like the Inc 500 that is now the Inc 5000…Thanks to Todd Andrlik over at Ad Age for opening up his Power150 marketing/advertising blog list:

Adomatica Blocked on Local Blogger Site?

July 30, 2008

What a not funny thing!