Posts Tagged ‘austin ad agency blog’

Latest Anonymous "Tip"

May 27, 2010

“Remember when this blog used to be about advertising? That’s back when it used to be in my Google Reader too.” via anonymous tip form.

“Remember when the crap hit the fan in the Austin advertising world and I was getting anonymous tips all day long most of which were too mean, hateful and just awful to post?” Robert

Hey, Anonymous Tipster… Feel free to share any and all advertising news you might know of that I’m missing. Thanks!

Adomatica’s Take on Austin Ad Firms

September 2, 2009

Some top ad agencies find ways to weather stormy economy

T3 Hiring and Reverses Some Pay Cuts

August 20, 2009

“T-3 partially restored salary cuts yesterday for everyone except upper managment. 50% of what they cut in the Spring. Lee gaddis told people no real new business wins but good growth in client workload was the reason. They’re hiring too. One vp said they had definitly passed the worst of it.”

Source = Anonymous Tipster via tip form

Austin Ad Agency Reviews

June 26, 2009

I’m starting a new series where I’ll do brief posts on each of the ad agencies in Austin. My list is based on the Austin Business Journal’s 2009 Book of Lists “Advertising Agency” report.

Here’s the list in totality based on gross income as reported by ABJ:
1. GSD&M Idea City
2. T3 – The Think Tank
3. LatinWorks
4. NFusion Group
5. Kolar
6. McGarrah Jessee
7. Avenue A/Razorfish
8. ThinkStreet
9. HC&B Healthcare Communications
10. GamePlan Marketing & Events
11. Lee Tillford
12. IF Marketing & Advertisng
13. MQ&C
14. Sentient Services
15. Door Number 3
16. Persidea Inc
17. Cartis Group
18. The Ampersand Agency
19. Russell/Shaw
20. EnviroMedia
21. Corder Marketing
22. Steel Adverting & Interactive
23. JH&A Advertising
24. DeLaune & Associate
25. Amy Wick Marketing & Communications

Here are the 2008-listed agencies that didn’t make the cut in 2009:

7. Intra-Focus
12. Ad Ventures
13. MDS
21. Makos
23. Lyon Advertising

Here are a few that didn’t make either list, but weren’t sent to me by readers:

Sherry Matthews
Decoder Ring
Apogee Search

(Thanks to my “traditional media” friend for sending me the 2009 list.)

Advertising Unimportant – Austin Irrelevant?

April 14, 2009

Someone recently commented on my request for new tag line ideas with this:

“Meaningless comments on an unimportant industry in an irrelevant city.”

What do you think?

Adomatica Named Best of Austin Sites & Blogs

April 3, 2009

The December 2008 issue of Austin Monthly (The Cool Issue) had a feature titled “Austin Online – 112 of the City’s Best Web Sites and Blogs”. Guess what? Adomatica garnered a spot on the list in the business category. Ok, sure, it’s a long list, but there are tons of sites and blogs based in Austin. Thanks Austin Monthly for picking Adomatica (and please get a digital version of your magazine online asap so that I will get a Google alert next time…fingers crossed).

The Perez Hilton of Austin Ad Gossip?

March 11, 2009

I got this DM via Twitter (@Adomatica) earlier today:

“yo perez hilton of austin ad: 4 top-notch professionals lost in round 1 of tocquigny layoffs. represents 10-15% of workforce. (anon tip plz)”

1. Here’s the Tocquigny layoff post.

2. Perez Hilton? Really? I am not fat or gay. (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

Most bloggers could learn a few lessons from Mr. Hilton:

“1. Find a topic there is an audience for.
2. Find a topic you have passion for. focused on celebrities “because it was something I was inherently curious about, fascinated with.”
3. Be consistent. posts new articles to his blog an average of 40 times a day.
4. Be unique. an unique writing style and handwritten captions scrawled on top of pictures of celebrities.
5. Do not censor yourself.
6. Be provocative.
7. Experiment with the blog monetization. banner ads, text ads, wallpaper ads behind the blog posts, sponsored posts…
8. Expand your blog. TV shows, radio shows, clothing line, book deal…”

Source: 8 things every blogger can learn by studying Perez Hilton
Originally posted by Marko Saric on February 27, 2009 on his blog:

More Layoffs at T3

February 23, 2009

“T3 is laying off more today. That’ll make over 100 people in the past year, and close to 60 since November IN THREE DIFFERENT ROUNDS. You’d think they’d be smart enough to project their staffing needs and do it at once.

For a Think Tank, they sure aren’t very smart.”

Source = anonymous tipster via our anonymous tip form

Lunchtime update 2/23/09 – “30 people according to aquent” via anonymous tip form.

Late-night update 2/23/09 – Ad agency T3 slims down again

The ADDYs are Coming!

February 10, 2009

Friendly Reminder:

The Austin ADDYs 2009

The 2009 Austin ADDYs puts Austin’s best creative advertising on display. This year’s show is all about the work and the people who create it. No themes, no gimmicks, just a celebration of another year of hard work by those in the Austin advertising community. Cocktails, of course, will be served. See you at the show.

WHEN February 19, 2009

6:30pm— Gallery and Cocktails

7:30pm—Show Begins

WHERE The Long Center for the Performing Arts, Dell Hall

701 W. Riverside Drive (Parking Garage is $7)

(Price includes “a scrumptious meal during the ADDY Awards presentation and a copy of The ADDYs Winners book, which is an exquisitely designed keepsake of all the ADDY winners.”)

Click on following link to purchase tickets:

More Feedback for Adomatica

February 6, 2009

I got the best comment ever on this post: I Like Feedback There are several other great comments both is disgust and praise, but this one is worthy of its own post as well as my reply.

Artie – “Fact is, every one of our shops is hurting and real families are struggling mightily. Tonally, this blog is too often snarky and cavalier about that reality. Layoffs are framed only as some sort of agency meat-grinding character flaw vs. the reality of an industry undergoing the worst ad recession since 1981 (by many accounts).”

Adomatica – I’m reporting layoffs just as the business journal or other publication would. I can see how it would take on a cavalier tone due to all the obviously snarky and silly stuff I also post here.

Artie – “The “fuckedcompany” schtick isn’t as cut/dry this time around. You’re painting with an extremely large brush seemingly without much perspective or concern for real people who get spooked by your riffs. You think any of these shops enjoys laying people off? And exactly how many agencies have you run?”

Adomatica – I know these shops don’t enjoy laying people off. I’ve been laid off. I’ve been fired. I’ve been unemployed. The company I currently work for just laid off a double digit percentage of its workforce. What does running an agency have to do with reporting/writing about agencies? I’ve never held public office, but I can still understand politics and have opinions on it.

Artie – “As a VP at one of the shops you crap on regularly (sometimes admittedly for good reason), I can state your feeders, speculating wildly and blindly, aren’t as informed as they think they are.”

Adomatica – Agreed and that is why I always try to be clear about what is fact and what is something I was anonymously told. What I’m doing isn’t totally new. I post what I hear, see, or am told and try to be as open as possible of my sources.

Artie- “Your blog’s tone feeds a sense that all Austin agencies are in chaotic freefall and run by incompetent half-hacks. Clients spot this coverage and begin to think that maybe taking their business to a larger-market shop might be safer. That’s good for nobody. If any of us go down, we all take a hit. Austin is no New York or Chicago and can’t afford the implosion of an Enfatico, Idea City or even a Springbox.”

Adomatica – While causing an “implosion” is obviously not my intention, I am extremely flattered that you think my blog has a reach that its content would actually be a consideration when a company is picking an agency. I frankly post what I hear, see, or am told. I’m also sad that my blog and not an agency’s work and people would cause a possible client to go with another agency.

Artie – “So just maybe just throttle down the layoff revelry just a bit? How about a revolving opportunity for each shop to share with you a recent success story, no matter how much it pains your hipster instincts? It would be a refreshing balance to the often speculative, HR-heavy and smug shit-slinging that’s far too many posts seem to delight in.”

Adomatica – As the PR person/people at (maybe) your agency know(s), I am always open to posting whatever news good or bad that any agency sends me. I would post it as I get it and would only consider any “revolving” spot if/when I was getting too much content, but, as I hope you and your shop knows, bloggers can never get too much content. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? This is true on at least two different levels for Adomatica. 1. Agencies that send me news will get posts as long as I think the content is relevant to my readers. 2. I watch my analytics. I get more traffic from a snarky post then from a warm and fuzzy post. I can’t change that fact, but I’m open to posting more feel good and informative items.

I think I know who you are Artie, so please send me an email so that I know who to hug for the great comment at the next party.

All the best, RG