Posts Tagged ‘emarketer’

Online Demographics Analyst Opening at eMarketer

July 24, 2008

Geoff Ramsey, CEO of eMarketer, just sent me this job listing:

Company: eMarketer
Job Title: Online Demographics Analyst
Company Description: eMarketer is “The First Place to Look” for research and analysis on digital marketing and media. eMarketer aggregates and analyzes research from over 3,000 sources, and brings it together in analyst reports, daily articles and the most comprehensive database of online marketing statistics in the world.

Pay Description: $85,000 or higher

Job Description: eMarketer is looking for an experienced analyst with proven business writing skills to create reports, articles and other content, including projections, focused on demographics as they relate to digital marketing. You will be writing for a business audience interested in online advertising and marketing.

As an online demographics analyst, you will analyze Internet users and their usage across industry sectors and digital ad formats, looking at key demographics such as age, gender, income, life-stage, race and other categories.

Key responsibilities include:
• Create textual analysis, in report form, using eMarketer’s methodology, (which includes: examining data from a wide variety of sources, comparing the data and explaining your position on all the issues covered
* Generate numerical forecasts, based on available data, and explaining the thinking behind them
• Work with an editor to prioritize coverage and determine best format for each deliverable, such as analyst reports, Webinars and articles

Please send, or have candidates send, resumes directly to Kris Oser at

Search Keeps Growing

April 17, 2008

Eyeing Prices as Search Keeps Growing

eMarketer’s Future of Online Marketing Presentation

February 6, 2008

Geoff Ramsey, Co-founder and CEO of eMarketer, spoke at the January 24th lunch meeting of the Austin Interactive Marketing Association.

Here’s the powerpoint deck: Predicting the Future: Separating Hype From Reality in 2008

eMarketer CEO to Speak at Austin Event

January 9, 2008

Geoff Ramsey, Co-founder and CEO of eMarketer, is schedule to speak at the January 24th lunch meeting of the Austin Interactive Marketing Association.

Presentation overview from the Austin Interactive Marketing Association website:

“Predicting the Future: Separating Hype From Reality in 2008

Social networking, online video, virtual worlds, mobile marketing: which of these are fads and which of these techniques are here to stay? eMarketer CEO Geoff Ramsey will cut through the clutter of contradictory statistics about cutting-edge trends to give you clarity and insight about how to optimize your interactive marketing programs. Attendees will get a 30,000-foot view of the digital marketing landscape for the New Year- all supported by hard numbers and case studies from a wealth of researchers and industry trend leaders. Get straight answers on tough questions that will save you time and help shape your marketing strategies.”

When: Thursday, January 24, 2007
Time: 11:30 am – 1:15 pm
Location: University of Texas Club
2180 E. Redman Drive- Austin,TX. 78712 (Directions)

$30 Members
$40 Non-Members
Online registration is limited to 100 and closes on 1/22.

To register, please use the AustinIMA registration page found here.