Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

Crowd takes over Zuckerburg Inteview

March 9, 2008

The audience wasn’t in to Sarah Lacy’s method of questioning Zuckerburg and
basically forced her to give up and take questions from the floor.

Zuckerberg (Facebook) = Gates (Microsoft)

March 9, 2008

Am I the only one who thinks that Zuckerberg sounds like Bill Gates?

Also, I think he is about to cry.

Jeff Jarvis – BuzzMachine

March 9, 2008

Sitting here next to my newest “friend” Jeff Jarvis of BuzzMachine
and other media fame…..waiting for Zuckerberg to take the stage.

Update: Jeff’s recap of Zuckerburg’s interview

Adomatica Launches Facebook Page

February 9, 2008

Adomatica is now on Facebook and if you are also on Facebook, please become a fan.

It’s easy:

1. Go to this page: Adomatica on Facebook
2. Login to your Facebook account
3. You want to get back to this page: Adomatica on Facebook
4. Become a fan of Adomatica

Thanks and have a great day!

Ferrazzi on Facebook

December 19, 2007

This recent email note sent out by Keith Ferrazzi, author the book Never Eat Alone, speaks to social networking and doing a bit of homework before you meet with new people:

“While there’s no substitute for a warm smile, firm handshake and face-to-face conversation, social networking sites such as Facebook can be useful tools for building relationships. They are great for finding and reconnecting with friends – and they give you easy access to all their friends. The sites can also be direct leads for business deals and new hires. An old friend recently e-mailed me on Facebook just when I needed help and now we are working on an exciting small project together. Social networking sites can also serve as valuable research tools. Profiles have photos and list job history, activities, favorite things, etc. I always advocate doing your homework before meeting new people, and what a great way to figure out personal holiday presents for clients and co-workers. If you want to know what music I’m listening to, find out what workout places I recommend and see some recent photos of me with a certain presidential candidate, please check out my profile on Facebook. Once you have a profile, type my name into the search box and then add me as your friend. Let’s connect!” *To join Keith’s blog conversation around this tip, click here.

Keith makes a good point. Use the technology in a manner that makes the face-to-face interactions easier. Makes me think back to this post…

Your Brand and Reputation

December 7, 2007

Adam Salamon’s self-branding centric blog has really got me thinking more and more about how people “brand” themselves and how companies do as well. The internet has really made this ~easier~ for us with email (really easy to send out notes etc) and sites like LinkedIn and Facebook (really easy to create your online persona). Those sites have become common check-point items when looking at possible new hires. Check LinkedIn to see how connected they are and see if you know any of the same people. Check Facebook to see if they have a profile and, if they do, maybe get a glimpse of their personal life. Branding for the individual really becomes a matter of reputation management. Many of the methods the individual should use to manage their reputation online can and should be used by businesses.

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.”
Jeff Bezos – CEO and cofounder of

I Called It

November 7, 2007

Facebook announced Tuesday that it would allow companies to target ads to users based on what they and their friends buy and do on the internet. They are obviously now able to take advantage of the massive amount of user data available. Questionable changes recently made at Facebook now make complete sense. Why would Facebook open their system to non-students? Why would they open up their system for developers to create new tools? These things create more interactions, more engagement and more user data.

This is all about getting “your message out to the conversations”, said Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg when addressing a group of NY advertising-industry executives.

Microsoft Beats Google

October 25, 2007

(It felt so unnatural to write that title.) Microsoft will buy a 1.6 percent cut of the Facebook pie for $240 million. Along with the deal, Microsoft has agreed to sell ads for Facebook overseas. Microsoft already has a deal with Facebook to sell banner ads in the US until 2011. Microsoft needed this win. Google does have a deal with MySpace, but Facebook’s user growth rate is outpacing MySpace’s at a 6:1 ratio. That obviously is a huge gap, but keep in mind that Google is besting Microsoft in internet revenue at 7:1 ratio.

I was hoping to get a quote from Google but my calls to founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have not been returned.