Posts Tagged ‘Gay Gaddis t3’

T3’s Ben Gaddis Talks Mobile

November 11, 2009

DFMS. Don’t Forget Mobile, Stupid an interview of Ben Gaddis, Director Mobile and Emerging Media Strategy at T3, by Kat Gordon of SF Advertising Examiner.

T3 Lands Microsoft Phone Business

October 28, 2009

From the Austin Business Journal:

“T3 has been named the interactive agency of record for [CompanyWatch allows you to receive email alerts with stories related to your companies of interest.

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] Microsoft Windows Phone, according to sources close to the agreement.

The Austin-based advertising and interactive agency is also working with advertising firm [CompanyWatch allows you to receive email alerts with stories related to your companies of interest.

You can watch up to ten companies at a time.

] Crispin Porter + Bogusky on other media duties for Microsoft Phone, sources said.

T3 declined to comment.

The agency competed against [CompanyWatch allows you to receive email alerts with stories related to your companies of interest.

You can watch up to ten companies at a time.

] RazorFish to win the interactive portion of the business.

T3 and Microsoft Windows Phone are expected to make an announcement on the partnership today.

Microsoft is planning to release ads on its Windows Phone in the coming months, according to a story in the New York Times.”

I’m so happy for T3…I could just blast off in my chair!

Good News from T3

July 25, 2009

“Good T-3 news I heard From someone there. They started restoring pay cuts that they made earlier in the yr. Also a couple smaller new business wins they are not publicizing. Morale still bad but friend says it looks l.ots better now than January.”

Source = Anonymous Tipster

T3 to Sell Whorehouse

May 15, 2009

Ad firm owners asking $10.5M for historic downtown property…Dolly Parton sauntered down its grand staircase in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.”

**A few facts:

1. T3 had planned to sell this house long before their recent troubles started as they have the big cool brick building over on Lamar now.
2. As far as I know, the house was never an actual whorehouse before or since T3’s owning of it.

BIG T3 News….

April 10, 2009

…coming soon according to this comment made earlier today:

“Don’t count us out yet. We’re not all the hax you think we are. News. Soon.”
Comment on this post by T3 Hack Sick Of Your Shit

I am truly looking forward to some good news from T3 and I really hope someone isn’t just pulling my leg.

T3 New York – We knew it was coming

April 8, 2009

“T3 new york had layoffs today….affected most of the media dept.”

Source = Anonymous Tipster

(Sorry to anyone who has ever been laid off from T3 or anywhere else for that matter.)

Happy Birthday Gay Gaddis of T3 (April 1st)

March 31, 2009

Adomatica would like to wish Gay Gaddis of T3 a very happy birthday (April 1st).

(I’m still waiting for my party invite though…assuming you are still throwing a bash this year…Frankly, I would still throw it if it was my company.)

In case you missed it, here is my review of last year’s Arabian nights themed event:
T3 April Fools’ Day Party 2008 Update

T3 Names a VP EMD

March 31, 2009

Adomatica would like to welcome Bryan Noguchi to the executive ranks of T3…and welcome to Austin if you happen to be moving here for this spot.

Bryan Noguchi, vice president and media director at the San Francisco office of T3, was named to a new post, vice president and executive media director, overseeing the agency’s media operations at its offices in Austin, Tex.; New York; and San Francisco.”

Source = NY Times People and Accounts of Note

Sympathy to Ex-T3ers

March 5, 2009

I heard that T3 might have done another round of layoffs earlier this week. Losing your job sucks. I’m really sorry for anyone who lost their job at T3 recently.

Best of Luck.

More Layoffs at T3

February 23, 2009

“T3 is laying off more today. That’ll make over 100 people in the past year, and close to 60 since November IN THREE DIFFERENT ROUNDS. You’d think they’d be smart enough to project their staffing needs and do it at once.

For a Think Tank, they sure aren’t very smart.”

Source = anonymous tipster via our anonymous tip form

Lunchtime update 2/23/09 – “30 people according to aquent” via anonymous tip form.

Late-night update 2/23/09 – Ad agency T3 slims down again