Posts Tagged ‘GSDM The Idea City’

GSD&M Pushes Popeye’s National Re-Branding

August 27, 2008

Popeye’s Goes National With Rebranding Campaign

Well That Didn’t Last Long…Exec heads back to Bentonville

August 17, 2008

Less then a week after making the move from client to agency side, Tony Rogers Returns to Wal-Mart. The article at AdAge says that his official title was going to be Director of Client Services and he had not yet finished his training on all things GSD&M. Maybe it took being in Austin for him to learn about all the recent layoffs?

GSD&M Loves Enfatico

August 14, 2008

You are thinking, Why does GSD&M love Enfatico? Well, it’s simple. Enfatico is taking the heat off of GSD&M when it comes to ad agency news..well at least in Austin.

Two More Big Wigs in Idea City

July 23, 2008

First, Jim Stengel, Chief Marketer at P&G says he’ll be working with Roy Spence’s Purpose Institute and, now, Wal-Mart executive, Tony Rogers, is set to move to the Idea City.

Stengel on Leadership, New Media and the Purpose Institute

Wal-Mart Exec Tony Rogers to Join Idea City

Voice-Over Talent

May 22, 2008

My wife has this worthless ability to almost instantly name the actor doing the voice over of a TV or radio commercial. A commercial for Depends…she’ll say “Tom Selleck”. A commercial for the latest pill…she’ll say “Aiden from Sex and the City”. Ok, so in that example she is actually naming a character played by John Corbett, who my dad would only recognize from the show Northern Exposure, but that’s not my point. I guess my point is this: Neither one of us ever remembers the product/topic/point of the commercial, but we remember the actor doing the voice over.

That begs the question as to whether or not you want to use a well known actor for commercial voice over work. Austin-based ad firm McGarrah Jessee, founded by two ex-GSD&Mers, did some radio and TV spots for McCoy’s Building Supplies and Whataburger a few years ago that had some great voice over work, but did so without the big named (recognizable) talent. I think you can still see/hear many of them at since those folks haven’t refreshed their website in over three years. In my opinion, those commercials are more memorable then the recent ones my wife is so quick to outburst on.

Worst Ad Agency in Austin Award 2008 – "Winner"

May 9, 2008

So, the ~winners~ of The Worst Ad Agency to Work for in Austin Award 2008 are…..

1st – Tocquigny
2nd – T3
3rd – GSD&M / The Idea City

Worst Agency post and comments

Stay tuned for the evil twin of this award, The Best Ad Agency to Work for in Austin Award 2008!

~~ UPDATE: Best Ad Agency to Work For Award 2008 ~~

Sidenote, at least ValleyWag likes Tocquigny’s office space.