Posts Tagged ‘internet start-up’

The Name Says It All

November 13, 2008

Ok, so not all startups are having the same luck as Bazaarvoice and HomeAway.

May I introduce you to…


“Have you ever been blindsided? … a boss give you a bad review that you never saw coming. Or more importantly, your employer tell you the companies doing great, but the next day they tell you they’re doing layoffs.

Here at, we’ve gone through this before [we won’t say which ones =)]. What we vowed is that if we had an inkling of an idea before hand, we would have been much better prepared. Not only do we provide a forum for people to write about how they feel their company is doing, but it’s a great place to see how your employer is doing.

Our goal is that with this information, you’ll be better prepared – to start brushing up your resume, start calling some friends and start seeing what other opportunities are out there. Hopefuly you won’t need to, but wouldn’t you like to know ahead of time?”

OtherInbox Tips (after a few days of playing)

September 20, 2008

Austin-based entrepreneur Joshua Baer launched OtherInbox last week during TechCrunch50 and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a beta invite early this week.

From “OtherInbox is the cure for email overload – it provides consumers with a free email account that automatically organizes newsletters, social networking updates, coupons and receipts from online purchases so that its easy to find the most interesting things and ignore the rest.”

Ok, that’s good copy, but I needed to try it out a bit before I offered up my two-cents. Here are some ways I’m already using it. I’ll save the feedback as it’s just in beta and they are working out the bugs and getting ready to launch some new features.

1. Organize all my newsletter emails. I get (and try to read) a ton of e-newsletters from Clickz, Media Post, Ad age, etc. I hate to have them stacking up in my normal inbox while they patiently wait for me to read them. I created an “other inbox” for each of them and now I can quickly read through them and easily save the ones I want to read later without the jumbled mess.

2. Use it to keep-up a bit better with my multiple Twitter accounts. Yes, I have more then one. I’m currently on Twitter as @Adomatica, @Enfartico, and @Cyclingtalk. If you try to manager multiple accounts you know that it is a pain to get the notification emails all to the same email account and then make sure you are logged in as the correct profile when using the notification to follow your new followers. With OtherInbox, I created an inbox for each of the my extra profiles and I can check out the action in a big chunk and once I am logged in properly.

That all for now. I’m sure I’ll have some other ideas/feedback soon.