Posts Tagged ‘interpublic group’

GSD&M still in wild blue yonder

April 4, 2008

I’m so happy to be able to post some really good news regarding GSD&M. The greed, sex, drugs, and money gang, that keeps west 6th street bars in business, has retained the United States Air Force account (9 nine year / ~$372 million contract). Interpublic Group of Cos.’ DraftFCB was the other agency invited to pitch for the business which GSD&M had first won back in 2000.

Thank you USAF for not dropping a bomb on GSD&M…this time.

Microsoft has $300 mil for you

November 17, 2007

Microsoft has started a review for their ~$300 million consumer creative assignment. Interpublic Group of Cos.’ McCann Erickson, current agency of record for most of Microsoft’s consumer in said to be in the running as well as my friends over at MDC’s Crispin Porter & Bogusky. The media side of the new assignment will be handled by Universal McCann. Shocker: It is believed that this assignment will be to help improve Microsoft’s image. The word is that Microsoft is hoping to fight back against the popular Mac vs. PC campaign. Microsoft reportedly didn’t want this review to go public. Good Job Microsoft…just like Vista!