Posts Tagged ‘macrovision’

Who’s Watching Who #21

February 3, 2008

Here’s a Who’s-Who of folks that have contacted us and/or checked-out the blog
and/or called to praise/complain, and/or any combination thereof over the past week:

Adidas – Sneakers and More – Worldwide
Book People – Independent Bookstore – Austin, TX
Geometric Group – transforming innovative ideas into successful autonomous businesses – NYC
Global Trade Information Services – international merchandise trade data – Worldwide
Macrovision – software and content management solutions – Nationwide
MJ Peterson Real Estate – NY

Veteran Visitors who came back for more (and more and more):
Crispin Porter + Bogusky – Ad Agency – Miami and Boulder
GSD&M Idea City – Ad Agency – Austin, TX
Neiman Group – Ad Agency – PA

Been to the blog but don’t see your company on the list? Shoot me an email or post a comment. If you email us, make sure you send it from your company email account so that we know it is the real-deal. Let us know what you think and maybe share a bit of info. The ~worst~ that will happen is that you get a free link to your site. Not a bad trade for a bit of good SEO if you ask me. If you don’t know what SEO is then please email me sooner rather than later.