Posts Tagged ‘matt van hoven’

Agency Spy is Heading to Austin…

March 7, 2010

…at least for a few days.

ATX or Bust: AgencySpy’s Heading South for Winter

Wonder if Matt Van Hoven has set-up any meeting with GSD&M or T3?

Agency Spy Does Video

October 15, 2008

Agency Spy has a New "Spy"

May 19, 2008

One of Agency Spy‘s writers is brunt-out and so they are breaking in a new “spy”. The lucky recruit is Matt Van Hoven. Matt’s “always open to lending advice, especially on how to get a job.” He’s “helped two people get jobs in the 1.5 years since” he “graduated.”

Wow, Matt, congrats on the new spy gig as well as being an expert job finding advice giver.

(Image of Matt blurred for his safety/protection.)