Posts Tagged ‘search engine marketing’

Google to Sells Search Marketing Business

August 7, 2008

Publicis has figured out how to become a ~truly~ full-service shop and arguably a ~top~ search engine marketing shop…Buy an already functioning search marketing business:

“Publicis added that the acquisition would strengthen the offering of its VivaKi Nerve Center. Publicis launched the digitally focused entity in June.” What is with the silly names being used by agencies these days?

Publicis to acquire Performics’ search marketing business from Google

SEM for SMB Conference – Today in Austin

July 16, 2008

I’m heading to the inaugural SEM for SMB conference here is Austin, Texas this morning. This two day event is supposed to be different then the sale-pitch-heavy conference that many of us are tired of attending. Fingers crossed that Chris Justice and his team at Sparksight will pull it off.

Search Keeps Growing

April 17, 2008

Eyeing Prices as Search Keeps Growing

Just Tell the Truth

February 19, 2008

I read an article over the weekend that got me thinking about how often people lie and I remembered this Mark Twain quote that my dad would use with me when I was a little kid and just learning about how important it is to just tell the truth:

“Always tell the truth. That way, you don’t have to remember what you said.” – Mark Twain

He’s a couple of other good quotes in regards to lies that I think speak volumes:

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult.” – George Eliot

“I never lie because I don’t fear anyone. You only lie when you’re afraid.” – John Gotti

Big Agencies and Search?

January 23, 2008

I just came across this article written by Dave Pasternack on

Why do big agencies even bother with search?

You can and should read the whole article, but here are his main points (and my take on each):

1. Search isn’t a huge cash cow (because so many people are just doing it wrong).
2. Search is labor intensive (when you aren’t using the right tools and following an efficient process).
3. Search isn’t creative (when all your doing it trying to spend your clients money as part of a cost plus model).
4. Google and the other SE’s offer no agency discount (because they don’t have too. I wouldn’t either).
5. Ad agencies can’t afford great technology (today, but as with all technology items, prices are always dropping).

My Move to the Other Side

November 20, 2007

After 10 years on the client side, I’ve made the move over to an agency. It’s obviously a rather big change. I’m looking forward to the challenges and new experiences. I’m sure I’ll write about some of them from time to time on this blog.

Here’s a bit about my new home: Based in Austin, Texas, Adlucent helps online retailers generate qualified sales leads, increase brand awareness, and streamline the process from search to conversion. Through item specific merchandising and conversion optimization services, Adlucent brings entire product catalogs to the forefront of the search engines. The company also utilizes historical data and predictive algorithms, offering a scaleable solution for tracking keyword performance and measuring product level return on investment.