Posts Tagged ‘spiceworks’

Wednesday’s Work Whereabouts #7

April 23, 2008

On (some) Wednesdays I post a few online marketing, advertising, creative jobs.

Your end of the deal:
Job seekers: If you apply to one of my posted jobs, please tell them you heard about the job at
Job Posters: If you have any openings you would like for me to post, please send them my way. Also, If someone applies for a job and tells you they heard about it at, please let me know.

That’s a fair deal, right?

Here are today’s postings:
Marketing Manager – Unsubcentral – Austin, TX (job not listed, but link will get you to the contract info to apply.)
Email Marketing Specialist – Spiceworks – Austin, TX (Also an unlisted job.)

Vote for your favorite Web 2.0 sites @ Webware

February 29, 2008 is a CNET site that covers the world of web-based productivity, data-driven, and community services applications. Voting is currently open for their annual Webware 100, which is basically a who’s-who of the top Web 2.0 sites. Thousands of nominations were submitted, the Webware editors selected the 300 finalist and now, we the people get to pick our favorite 100.

Austin’s own and Austin Ventures backed Spiceworks is in the running in the Utility and Security category.