Posts Tagged ‘sxsw 2009’

Adomatica Meets Adrants – SXSW

March 17, 2009

I just chatted a bit with Steve Hall of in the blogger lounge at SXSWi. I thanked him for laying the ground work for Adomatica. He asked me what my plan was for the blog. hahahahaaa Steve, I have no idea!

JakPrints – SXSW

March 16, 2009

Need something printed? Check out

Ad Planners and Digital Strategy Folks – Party – SXSW

March 15, 2009

Ad agency account planners and digital strategy folks

5pm today at Club Deville

Informal Party

[Not sponsored by Adomatica, but I might be there.]

Zappos CEO – SXSW

March 14, 2009

Room Fills for CEO – SXSW

March 14, 2009

It Starts (Again) Today – SXSW

March 13, 2009

I’ll be out at SXSWi for the next 5 days and will post as much as possible.

SXSWi is Easy – Really

March 11, 2009

Make sure you check out SXSW is Easy for all your SXSW related needs:

SXSWi is Easy

February 26, 2009

I was going to start listing out parties and other must do event for SXSWi 2009, but now there is no need too. Check out SXSW is Easy.

“We’ll be updating the site right up until, and during, the fest as people ask us questions, and new events and resources are announced, so keep checking back.”

SXSWi Party List – A living Doc

February 24, 2009

Just a place for me to list out SXSWi parties. Please tweet me @Adomatica or email robert at Adomatica dot com and I’ll add your/the event to the list:

@nakia: I know my band, Nakia & His Southern Cousins, is playing the Austin Tweetup party at Ace’s on 3/15.

PubCon coming to Austin in 2009

November 12, 2008

This is very cool:

Pubcon South 2009!