Posts Tagged ‘t3 party’

Happy Birthday Gay Gaddis of T3 (April 1st)

March 31, 2009

Adomatica would like to wish Gay Gaddis of T3 a very happy birthday (April 1st).

(I’m still waiting for my party invite though…assuming you are still throwing a bash this year…Frankly, I would still throw it if it was my company.)

In case you missed it, here is my review of last year’s Arabian nights themed event:
T3 April Fools’ Day Party 2008 Update

T3 Austin = More Layoffs?

January 30, 2009

I really don’t like reporting on layoffs. I’ve been laid off and I’ve been fired. I also get anonymous tips and this blog is in the “business” of reporting what is happening in the ad world.

I got these tips today:

“Rumor has it that T3 is laying off 60 people today. That’s a lot. It’s probably your fault for posting those videos. ;)”

“T3 doing layoffs today. Not sure on a body count yet.”

“T3 body count at 5 so far. San Fran office getting hit harder, no word on it yet.”

‘T3 had yet another layoff today. Not sure if its a sign of an impending client leaving of what, but atleast 5 people for sure have gotten the axe from the Austin office and a decent chunk of the San Francisco office is no longer bringing in the cash for Gay Gaddis.

They received a 2 weeks severance deal and all remaining employees are said to have to take a paycut. I’m certain the paycut doesn’t apply to the favorites of the company, or the favored CEO herself. One would like to know if the famed $60K birthday bash will still be taking place in April?”

Gay Gaddis’ Quote in the Austin Business Journal:

“As 2009 budgets are reviewed, clients are cutting back and we are adjusting accordingly to meet their needs,” said Gay Gaddis, president and founder of T3, in a statement. “T3 is committed to helping our clients navigate this tough economy and help them get the most out of every dollar spent.”

Adomatica’s Take on T3’s Look Towards the Future

January 28, 2009

So, I’m still thinking about whether or not I should post the whole video. In the meantime, here’s a quickly thrown together rap by none other then T3’s Founder Gay Gaddis:

T3 Looks Towards the Future (Part 3)

January 27, 2009


This afternoon a kind person emailed me a copy of the “T3 Looks to the Future” video.

Yes, I now have a copy of the removed-from-YouTube video.

Do you want to see it? You’ll have to ask really nice like.

Here are some of my favorite scene stills:

T3 Looks Towards the Future

January 22, 2009

I look forward to your comments on this one.

Update: Friday 1-23-09

Looks like T3 took the video down. Here’s a screen shot of one scene to prove that it did exist:

Update #2:

Someone sent us these screen shots from the video

Update #3:

I now have a copy of the now-removed-from-YouTube video…
T3 Looks Towards the Future (Part 3)

Update #4:

Adomatica’s Take on T3’s Look Towards the Future

T3 April Fools’ Day Party 2008 Update

April 2, 2008

So, I went to T3’s April Fools’ Day party last night. I had heard about their April 1st parties, put together to celebrate CEO Gay Gaddis’ birthday, for quite some time and was lucky enough to get an invite. This year’s theme was Arabian Nights and this manifested itself with hookahs, belly dancers, and Baba Ghanoush….oh, I almost forgot the very Arabic Shiner Bock…come on…Shiner is at least sorta east of Austin.

The highlight of the evening was getting a chance to chat with T3’s, SVP of Creative Services & Account Planning, Jay Suhr. You might recall that Jay is a major award winner. Jay now also holds the honor of being the first person to call me an “agency spy” to my face. I think he was joking around…or at least I hope he was as he also mentioned something about having me “sacrificially thrown out” of the party. Well, I wasn’t thrown out and I was also able to say hello to several other T3ers I have befriended over the years.

Thanks to Gay and Lee Gaddis for putting on such a nice party and for keeping the T3 ship afloat all these years. I could tell from the partying clients and team members that they really have built a happy family.