Posts Tagged ‘dell da vinci’

Enfatico Shuts Down Blog

January 30, 2010

Dell Ad Agency Enfatico Blog Shut Down


June 19, 2009

… = Business Cards are

Michael Dell Speaks on Enfatico

August 12, 2008

Oops I Enfaticoed My Pants

August 1, 2008

Some Enfatico Crapico from around the netico:

Tribble Agency’s Enfatico Countdown Clock – Funny and I’m a bit sad I didn’t think of this first.

Dave McLane: “Enfatico Douchebag” – Even funnier and I would love to hear from Dave McLane if he’s ever in Austin so he can give me his side of the story.

Harvard MBA Torrence Boone Named Lead of Project Da Vinci

May 19, 2008

WPP names Torrence Boone to lead Project Da Vinci, the global agency start-up

Torrence Boone‘s LinkedIn Profile

No confirmation yet as to whether or not Torrence wears a coonskin cap to the office or if he saves it for expeditions.

Project Da Vinci’s Temporary Logo

May 18, 2008

Da Vinci Now Synarchy Worldwide

May 15, 2008

From AdAge: “The new WPP Group agency designed to handle Dell’s marketing-services business is expected to be named Synarchy Worldwide, a reference to a utopian political system coined in the 18th century.”

WPP Settles on Name for Dell Shop: Synarchy Worldwide

From Wikipedia: “Synarchism (from Greek words meaning “to rule together” or “harmonious rule”) is a word that has been used to describe several different political processes in various contexts.”

If the new name doesn’t pass legal review, “Sector 64” and “Refute” are other names that WPP Properties Young & Rubicam also filed earlier this year with the trademark office.

Dell-WPP’s Da Vinci Hires GM

March 21, 2008

Dell-WPP’s Project Da Vinci agency has hired Valerie Hausladen as its general manager of operations of its Austin office (Her Linkedin profile is already updated). The currently being staffed-out agency will also have shops in San Francisco and New York. Hausladen was the consultant who helped Dell in its search for a new agency, a search that obviously resulted in the selection of WPP and the creation of Project Da Vinci. Before her time as a consultant, Hausladen’s last agency experience was as President of Tocquigny, as Austin-based interactive marketing agency. Prior to that, Hausladen was Director of Marketing for Dell Higher Education and Dell Public.

I’ve sent Hauslden a few questions via email…we’ll see if she replies.

Feedback and Da Vinci Questions

March 20, 2008

This note just came in via email:

“hey there, i like checking in with your blog. i think there needs to be more agency gossip. keep up the good work.

say, do you know when this davinci behemoth is opening it’s doors? also, do you know if there is central site for hiring? i’m looking for a position in media and i can’t find anything on the wpp site and listings i’ve seen on job sites are for project managers and such. i’d imagine they’ll be hiring for all positions, right?

anyway, dig the blog and thanks! V”

V- Thanks for the nice feedback. Happy to hear that not everyone thinks my blog is in poor taste. I’ve heard that media positions will not be available in Austin as WPP plans to keep those spots in NY. Something about keeping all those current/deep ties alive and not try to rebuild relationships.

Readers- Anybody know anything about where to see/apply for Da Vinci job openings? Please post via a comment.

Thanks and happy Thursday to all.

Da Vinci – Not interested in award winners

March 20, 2008

Here’s a piece of an article recently posted to the online version of the
Austin American Statesman regarding Dell/WPP’s Da Vinci (with my thoughts in parenthesis):
The new agency in Austin will work with Mark Jarvis, Dell’s new chief marketing officer, and Casey Jones, vice president for global marketing, as well as and Dell’s worldwide marketing and communications teams in Round Rock and elsewhere.

The approach of creating an agency geared toward one large client created some consternation in the advertising industry (of course it did, along with layoffs), but it also sparked a heated and closely watched competition for Dell’s advertising business. WPP eventually beat out Interpublic Group of Cos. (I wonder if Interpublic will be thankful for the loss in the near future), the other finalist for the account.

The project to consolidate Dell’s advertising and marketing into one agency account was spearheaded by Jarvis (What’s the average tenure of CMOs these days?). Dell had set out to create an advertising partner that would “spend 100 percent of their time thinking about our customers (I guess someone has to think of Dell’s customers), rather than how they will get the next assignment,” according to an entry by Jarvis on, the company’s official blog (Who outside of Dell reads the blog?).

Rather than looking for talent focused on nabbing industry awards for their creativity (ok so maybe the title of this post should be – Da vinci – Not interested in award winners or creatives), Jones said, “we want people who get up and come to work every day at the agency for the same reason we do: to create success for Dell. (I won’t mention the ~successful~ Dell MP3 player)”