Posts Tagged ‘wpp dell’

Enfatico – Is the End Near?

January 13, 2009

Here are some choice excerpts from a recent AdScam blog post:

“the fuckers are not currently paying their employee freelancers. This has been going on for months and people are quitting.”

“The douchenozzles have been reported to the Texas Workforce Commission for this practice.”

“Dell has had their lawyers serve Enfatico with breach-of- contract papers, for failing to deliver on anything they claimed they could do.”

“Holy shit, I wonder how much longer before Dell pulls the plug on this fiasco?”

Here’s the full blog post: Is Enfatico finally fucked?

Enfatico Proponent & Dell CMO Mark Jarvis Leaving Post

January 7, 2009

CMO Mark Jarvis Leaving Dell – Adage article

Adomatica is Enfartico

August 19, 2008

Ok, so it was my idea.

I built the website a week ago and “leaked” its existence to a couple of Ad blogs.

I used some fake/funny whois data and that is why the site is down.

More later regarding why I did it and what I learned from this online gorilla effort…

(check out the current whois data for the domain if you don’t believe me)

Also, check out Enfartico’s Blog to see the images and copy created for the site.

Another Enfatico?

August 8, 2008

Riding the wave of ~success~ they’ve already proven with Enfatico, WPP talks with Pfizer:

Pfizer wants to hire Enfatico ?

Oops I Enfaticoed My Pants

August 1, 2008

Some Enfatico Crapico from around the netico:

Tribble Agency’s Enfatico Countdown Clock – Funny and I’m a bit sad I didn’t think of this first.

Dave McLane: “Enfatico Douchebag” – Even funnier and I would love to hear from Dave McLane if he’s ever in Austin so he can give me his side of the story.

Just the En(FACTs)icos

July 30, 2008

The facts are what I’m interested in…just the enFACTsicos. I know that it is Enfatico and not Enfactico or Enfactsico, but it makes a better title this way. I’m looking for more info, so please comment to let me know if I’m way off base here.

Possible Enfatico Facts:

1. They are staffed at <20% of their promised level.
2. They are not currently able to handle all the Dell business, so Dell business is still going to other shops.
3. They sit around, play board games and dick-around on the internet all day.
4. Dell could use the staffers that were cut internally to do the work if…they hadn’t been cut.
5. They have Adomatica on a blog-black-list.
(OK, that last one is 100% made-up)

Harvard MBA Torrence Boone Named Lead of Project Da Vinci

May 19, 2008

WPP names Torrence Boone to lead Project Da Vinci, the global agency start-up

Torrence Boone‘s LinkedIn Profile

No confirmation yet as to whether or not Torrence wears a coonskin cap to the office or if he saves it for expeditions.

Project Da Vinci’s Temporary Logo

May 18, 2008

Project Da Vinci Renaming Contest

May 16, 2008

It’s been pointed out to me that the folks at WPP/Dell’s Project Da Vinci have not yet made the final decision to rename themselves Synachy Worldwide just yet. I see this as a great opportunity for us to give them some better ideas. Come on, is Synachy really the best they could come up with?

Simply comment your idea(s) and we’ll crown a winner sometimes next week.

Here are mine:

Technicolor Love Den

Oh, and Happy Friday!

** Update Thursday 5/22/08 – There is now a poll so you can cast your vote for Project Da Vinci’s new name – you should see the poll to the right – Voting closes Thursday 5/29 at 12 noon **

Da Vinci Now Synarchy Worldwide

May 15, 2008

From AdAge: “The new WPP Group agency designed to handle Dell’s marketing-services business is expected to be named Synarchy Worldwide, a reference to a utopian political system coined in the 18th century.”

WPP Settles on Name for Dell Shop: Synarchy Worldwide

From Wikipedia: “Synarchism (from Greek words meaning “to rule together” or “harmonious rule”) is a word that has been used to describe several different political processes in various contexts.”

If the new name doesn’t pass legal review, “Sector 64” and “Refute” are other names that WPP Properties Young & Rubicam also filed earlier this year with the trademark office.